Are The Golden Oldies Taking Over?

California elderly

Want to see some cute little old ladies try weed for the first time? YUP

Want to see a movie about 5 senior citizens who go to Vegas and have the blowout trip of a lifetime?


Best Pharrel Happy video parody… elderly style! CUTE!

Want to see some crazy info-graphics about how impactful seniors can be to businesses? YES PLEASE

You get the idea. The elderly can be cute… and inspiring… and we can learn from them… and you know what else? In 2015, retail will be driven by the baby boom market, which is no longer just spending money out of necessity but spending money on luxury items like they’re going out of style.

Smart brands and innovative companies are realizing the potential of the baby boom market and embracing senior citizens in their branding, business and marketing.

From smartphones to the big screen, niche markets catering to the elderly are springing up every day and creating millions in revenue.  IDEO (designers of the first Apple mouse) even have a 90-year-old design consultant on staff.

How does your brand appeal to seniors? How could you use senior appeal to bring in new business and online engagement?  Now is your chance.
